Well, that’s the name of another lucky girl who will share screen with the hottest newcomer of bollywood. If reports are true, Shazahn Padamsee, daughter of famous ad-guru-cum-theatre personality Alque Padmasee and pop star Sharon Prabhakar, will make her dream debut in Bollywood soon.
Shazahn, who has been auditioning for several roles for quite some time, is reported to have clinched the lead role opposite Ranbir Kapoor in an upcoming Yash Raj Films production directed by Shimit Amin .
Many a heroines auditioned for the next venture of Chak De fame director Shimit Amin, and the crew selected Shazahn, who, according to them, had the right particulars.
For over a span of months, Yash Raj has been auditioning actors for the leading lady's role. There are very few young actors who would fit the bill of a leading lady opposite Ranbir. After weeks of auditioning, it seems that Yash Raj has settled down on Shazahn Padamsee, thanks to her credentials.
Ask Shazahn about this and you have a surprise 'wow' for an answer. She is surprised at how information regarding her role reached the media. On further insistence, she says, I have gone for a lot of film auditions and this was one of those. But there has not been any confirmation yet. It would be wrong on my part to talk about it, because the production house would get quite upset about it.
Smilingly, the to-be-star adds, I am getting a lot of offers and I am considering a few of them. When I sign my first one, I will definitely let you know.
You may recollect that Shimit Amin, director of the yet-to-be-named flick, rose to fame with the previous YRF production Chak De India. Earlier, it was rumoured that Imran Khan and Ranbir Kapoor may be roped in for the film. But now, reports say only Ranbir has been signed for the movie. Hope the movie hits the floors soon and Shazahn has a dream debut in Bollywood.