When it has been asked to the actor that what does 'D' stands for ? Khan gave witty reply and said It's for Deepika Padukone..!! His beautiful Om Shanti Om co-star. The reality is this that 'D' is a mehndi tattoo which looks like a permanent one and it is foe his upcoming action thriller 'Don 2'. So, the D stands for Don 2, the tattoo will be gone once the star will be done with the film. As the Don: the Chase Begins again, was liked by the people across the globe like wise hope Don 2 also re-create the magic, King Khan has arrived on the sets of the movie and keep on updating about his thrilling scenes on twitter. Well, Shahrukh Khan is also busy with his more films including 'Ra-one' with Kareena Kapoor, 'Happy New Year' with Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, 'Student Of The Year' with three new comers.
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